I will keep you posted on the progress. As I noted before, it really goes pretty quickly considering it is worked in all single crochet.
I'm using an I hook this time. Last time I used an H I believe.
I'm also VERY excited to share that the latest Crochet Me newsletter has information on the very afghan I was just telling you all about - the Chain Reaction - the one I saw in the magazine at Booksamillion. You can get the pattern (free but you have to register there) here http://www.knittingdaily.com/media/p/67334/showcontent.aspx .
The newsletter also says you can crochet along with them on the Knitting Daily TV show. The first show of the 700 series begins July 21. I'm not sure about channel info but you can see a brief clip of what's to come in this video. (You can see if the show plays in your area on this page. )
If the show doesn't play in your area (sadly it doesn't play in mine) or you miss a show or for whatever reason you can't get to see them all, you can purchase the entire season here or wait for Amazon to get it. For the Chain Reaction afghan square a long, it is season #700. I would dearly love to do this afghan as part of the CAL. (Amazon didn't have #700 in my search but they did have the other seasons. Search Amazon.com for knitting daily series
[Added note: I found a spot where you can order JUST the chain reaction scarf CAL as either a download or physical DVD. How cool is that? Half the price of the other DVDs. If that link doesn't work, just go to http://www.interweavestore.com/ and click on DVDs/videos in the crochet section.]
Anyway, I'm excited about it. Unfortunately, I can only do one thing at a time - first the Who scarf, then we'll see which of the half dozen projects gets my time. There is this Chain Reaction pattern, the Special Olympic scarves, and the Share a Square which has started up again. All worthy projects. Plus I have some wool yarn that I want to use for Bridge scarves. I also want to make more Knit Your Bit scarves, and rectangles for HAP.
So many projects, so little time! Maybe I can combine the two. The Chain Reaction squares are 12" (by different designers) but perhaps I can adjust a few of them to 6" for SAS. We'll see how that goes. :-) If not, I did want to do more lapghans for the nursing home.
Have a great weekend!
Happy crocheting!
Not in my area either....shoot, looked like a worthwhile show.