Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015 stats

As I always do at the end of the year, I took the opportunity today to look at the year's statistics for Crochet Cabana. I pay for hosting services at Site 5 and have been pleased with the very low down time with this service. They provide the statistics. I also pay for a domain name at Directnic. The money made through the Google ads help to defray these costs. I don't choose the ads, but hope you find some of them useful.

I have been keeping track of these statistics since 2005 so I can view the past ten years at a glance. Site visits are about half what they were in 2005. This is likely due to a number of factors, some of them my own fault. I'm not as active as I used to be. The world has also changed and the high volume of copyright infringement incidents make it less appealing to make the effort to provide new information - if there is indeed any new information to provide. 

Just to show the difference, in 2005 unique visitors was 356,111. 2015 that number was 181,924.

I would like to do more video work. We'll just have to see what the future holds.

I pulled the definition of terms from my 2014 post. I myself sometimes forget what these terms mean.

Unique Visitor:
A unique visitor is a person or computer (host) that has made at least 1 hit on 1 page of the web site during the current period shown by the report. If this user makes several visits during this period, it is counted only once. Visitors are tracked by IP address, so if multiple users are accessing your site from the same IP (such as a home or office network), they will be counted as a single unique visitor.

Number of visits made by all visitors.
Think "session" here, say a unique IP accesses a page, and then requests three other pages within an hour. All of the "pages" are included in the visit, therefore you should expect multiple pages per visit and multiple visits per unique visitor (assuming that some of the unique IPs are logged with more than an hour between requests)

The number of "pages" viewed by visitors..

Any files requested from the server (including files that are "Pages")

Total number of bytes for pages, images and files downloaded by web browsing.

Apparently some people are still using links saved from the old site as there were a number of error pages generated. Please do update your links if you've saved off any or make a note to yourself to doublecheck the new site if you get an error message.

Anyway, on to the stats.

People from these countries topped the list of my visitors. This is the number that I could catch in a screen shot. In case you can't read them, the top 5 are United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ukraine, and Germany. I always enjoy seeing where my visitors come from.

The top download this year was again Janie Herrin's Drop in the Bucket pattern (661 times). This pattern has been the top download since 2012. The pattern downloaded the second highest number of times in 2015 was the Bulky Men's Hat pattern (539), also #2 last year. Both had fewer downloads, however, than in previous years.

Other highly downloaded patterns included the cancer ribbon, which is always popular, and the Doctor Who patterns. I was pleased to see my daughter's patterns continue to be popular though I was surprised that there were no downloads of the latest patterns, the robot afghan and fleur de lis chart since I'd had inquiries about those patterns.

The most visited page was again the All About Hooks page (3805). The patterns page was a close second at 3066. The rest were tutorials and individual pattern group pages, like the Doctor Who page of patterns, for example.

Windows, Macintosh, and Linux were at the top of the Operating Systems list, in that order but close.

Browsers were all over the place with some I've never even heard of making the list. The top ones were:
Chrome   149908  32.5%
Safari   132398   28.7%
Firefox  44,226  9.6%

There were a good number of PDA/phone browsers as well. The top two were iPhone and Android.
Android 23039
iPhone 13997

In the area that tells me from where people come to get to Crochet Cabana, I was pleased to see folks are visiting my Gallifreyan Crochetin' site about Doctor Who. The other sites were mostly familiar - Crochetville, Pinterest, Facebook, Ravelry, Bev's Country Cottage,, Crochet Pattern Central and others. In other words, a person might go to Pinterest, see something from my site and then visit Crochet Cabana. This list tells me where they were originally.

I'm keen on statistics so I enjoy going through these things. I hope some of you enjoyed it as well. If not, eventually I will have more interesting things. 

I'm still working on the rocket afghan. Just a few dozen more black squares to make and then tails to sew in. I would only do this for love of a grandchild! LOL

Happy crocheting!