This version is 17" x 23". I worked the small pattern at Meredee's LiveJournal.
I did make a few changes. I added to the sides and one row above and below. This was to get him in line with the other pieces.
That said, when I put the other pieces together, the first one I made - the Dalek - is made with a different yarn and doesn't match. I have plenty of the Pound of Love left and will probably make another Dalek to go with these so I can have my Who creature afghan. :-)
I may make a TARDIS afterwards as it is a ghan by itself, although I'm not sure which pattern I will use, if any. For the blue one I made a while back, I made up my own pattern. In any case, one thing at a time.
The filet pieces are both easy and complex. You work right to left for odd rows and left to right for even rows. Keeping track of that is an interesting proposition. What I've been doing is using a highlighter to mark the rows. I mark one row in green, and the next in pink which makes it easier to tell where I am. I still get confused, sometimes looking at the row I just finished rather than the row I am actually on. LOL I also use stitch markers every 10 rows, which helps.
I do notice that Meredee's pattern charts and her actual finished projects differ slightly in some cases. Not a big deal. They certainly still look fine.
In other news, I finally was able to get in contact with leadership at Craftown and that matter is settled. I decided to stay on as a member, just not as a moderator. As it happens, there has not been anyone really administering that forum since Amanda left over a year ago, and it has gone silent with no posts since mid-2011. I don't know what happened, just fell through the cracks I guess. But there is a new Admin and she seems really interested in getting it going again, so if you have a membership there, perhaps go on by and leave a note. The new Admin is Tia. She is still getting acquainted with the workings, but will hopefully be around more.
You might wonder why another forum. I frequent Crochetville for crochet doings, but Craftown is not just about crochet. There are many crafts represented, so for the crafter who is interested in a variety of things it's a good way to share what you've done and maybe even get inspired to try something new.
I really need to go through all my memberships and get rid of some I no longer use. There are many I do use, but some that have gone by the wayside or are no longer active.
Well, off to the Dalek...
Happy crocheting!