Friday, July 26, 2024

Draco blanket

Yarn: Mandala Sparkle in color Draco
Hook: H/5.0mm from Laurie Whitaker  (gifted to me by a friend)
Size: about 34" x 44"
Foundation chain: 104
Pattern: straight dc

For the border I worked one row of sc then a round of dc. As it happened when I got to the border, I had enough of the green to finish the dc round.

This little blanket took me almost a month to make because of my hand issues. My hand is doing much better now that it's had a bit of a rest. I'm still babying it a bit though. :-)

Happy crocheting!


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Cuppa Love

Here's a new way to change colors. 

Off my hook...

I finally finished the Cuppa Love afghan. It took forever because of my hand issues. Each square took several days to complete! The pattern itself is easy to follow with the Mayhem & Majesty filet numbers done for you.

Yarn: Color Theory worsted yarn in colors Canyon, Tourmaline, and Bone
Hook: I/5.5mm Bella Coco
Foundation ch: 45
Size: 12" x 13" one square
Pattern: Cuppa Love by Becca at Mayhem & Majesty

Here's a side view close-up so you can see the detail a bit better. I'm short so it's hard for me to get a good shot of an afghan. I can't get on a ladder as I used to do.

Happy crocheting!


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Cuppa Love

I haven't been posting much lately as I have an enflamed tendon in my right hand. The Internet calls it tendonitis. My doctor said no crocheting for a week or two. I've also been trying to limit typing.

I did want to give you an idea of what I was working on.

Yarn: Color Theory worsted yarn in colors Provence, Canyon, Tourmaline, and Bone
Hook: I/5.5mm Bella Coco
Foundation ch: 45
Size: 12" x 13" one square
Pattern: Cuppa Love by Becca at Mayhem & Majesty

Here's a quick picture of the different colors.

Happy crocheting!


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Gifted by a friend

My friend Fran Metallo in New Jersey designed a shawl pattern which she named after me - Sandie's Wrapped in Love Shawl. She made me a beautiful shawl using this pattern and my favorite colors. Here I am wearing it.

You can see more of Fran's designs at Ravelry.  She also has an Instagram page.

She also sent me this gorgeous crochet hook by Laurie Whitaker (Facebook). It's Footprints in the Sand design. 

I have such wonderful friends! I love both items and look forward to using them.

Happy crocheting!


Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mandala Sparkle Draco

As I was going through the website I ran across this tidbit which might help you if you want to make a project but don't have the weight yarn for which the project calls.

Two strands #1 fingering equal one strand #2 sport.
Three strands #1 fingering equal one strand #4 worsted.
One strand #3 DK and one strand #1 fingering equal one strand #4 worsted.
Two strands #2 sport equal one strand #4 worsted.
Two strands #4 worsted equal one strand #5 bulky

Here's my latest blanket.

Yarn: Lion Brand Mandala Sparkle in color Draco
Hook: H/5.0 by Laurie Whitaker 
Size: about 26" square
Foundation chain: 98
Pattern: reduced Beginner's Luck

And here's the hook ...

Happy Crocheting!
