I am familiar personally with this charity and recommend it. Danette does beautiful work herself and is a very caring, compassionate person who enjoys helping these wee babes. In just the past 9 years (the records that could be immediately accessed) God's Tiny Angels has donated approximately 100,000 items to the babies and their parents.
Here is the interview. I've added a few pictures of previously donated items to give a sampling of what has been collected recently. The pictures are not related to the interview questions. I just sprinkled them in. I do not know who made what items but they are all beautiful. Note that some are store bought, some are knitted or crocheted so anyone can help.
introduce yourself and let us know your position or connection with
organization. How
and when did the organization begin?
My name is Danette LeMaster and I started
God's Tiny Angels in the fall of 1998 after searching the web one day and
found another place taking preemie blankets.
I sent several boxes there and
then thought about my own NICU where my son spent a week when he was born.
I contacted my local hospital and after a lot of red tape and an assurance
that this would not be a one time thing I got the green light!! So I
took care of this hospital alone for the first few months making 40 blankets
a month. Then decided to start my group and what a better name than God's
Tiny Angels as this is what all babies are and especially the tiny preemies.
is the purpose of this organization?
purpose of my group is to let the
parents who are going thru this trying time know that some one cares. I especially
know as, like I said, my youngest son was in there for a week and someone
crocheted a little hat for him and I still have that hat 27 years later.
I have received letters from families who are so appreciative that even
though we do not know them that we care...
many others, besides yourself, are involved in leadership?
I have 70 other
members in my group that make or buy items for the preemies and newborns.
I am the only one that is over the group, Everything comes here and I
wash, bag, tag, box up and send to the appropriate hospitals.
you personally deliver the collected items to the intended recipients? If you
do not, who does and how do you ensure
that the items get where they need
to be?
I deliver to my local
hospital but the rest of the items I ship
by fedex ground. I include a self addressed envelope that the hospitals send
back with their wishes for certain items or just to let us know they made
it to their destination.
can fiber crafters help? What types of items do you accept?
We accept anything
from micro preemie to size 6 as we also help the wic dept with clothing
for children there. We also accept pacifiers, bibs, spoons, bottles,
comb/brush set, socks, booties, all items can be store bought or hand
[Sandie: You can find more photos of donations at the web site here.]
there any special tips or requirements for the items needed? Yarn
colors, finished size of items, yarn used (wool, acrylic, sport, worsted,
Absolutely NO wool permitted.
Not too picky on yarn colors
just no drab colors. Some mothers like the traditional pastels where other
mothers like the bright colors. No heavy 4 ply yarn for preemie clothing
as they are already so tiny and the 4 ply is overwhelming. We do use
4 ply for preemie blankets. Preemie blankets need to be at least 20x20 unless
for burial and then we can use the 15x15 in baby yarn.
is understandable that you need to have a person's contact information in case
there is a problem
and for record keeping. Do you allow participants to remain anonymous to
those who receive the items?
there a particular item that you yourself enjoy making more than any other?
I would say my favorites are blankets, sweaters and dresses
your family participate in your charity effort? If so, how? If not, are they
supportive of your
My husband is very supportive of what I do as he knows this is my passion.
My kids and even my dad buy me yarn sometimes so I would say I definitely
have their support!
you have any humorous stories to tell?
Well this may not seem funny to some
but to me it's not only humorous but unbelievable. I have been hometown hero
here in our town twice. At the end of the interview I always asked if anyone
here would like to help to give me a call and provided my telephone number.
I had about 4 calls. The first 2 calls said they would love to donate
some yarn so we set up a time for me to go pick it up and both callers
called back and said they couldn't find the yarn! The other 2 callers
wanted to know how much it paid if they helped to make things for the
little ones!!! I told them it pays nothing, it is given freely from the heart.,..
So needless to say I have no help from anyone in my own town.
do you feel makes folks hesitate to participate in a charity that is not
a 501(c) charity other
than tax benefits? What would you say to convince them your effort is honest
and trustworthy?
I have not really had any problems because I am not a 501 (c) charity.
My website speaks for itself and I share any thank yous from hospitals
or parents and some of the members also receive thank yous so they know
their items are being given to the wee ones.
should a volunteer contact for more information on this organization?
LeMaster 1533 Lincoln Dr Huntington WV 25704
Phone number 304-429-3126
you have any advice for anyone trying to start their own charity effort?
be patient as it takes time get a charity going. Be honest and up front with
your group and run your group, be active, don't just have a group and never
communicate with them.....
Is there anything else you'd like people to know about your charity effort or you personally?
I have been doing this since 1998 [Sandie: 16 years!] and it is my
baby. I love
the feeling of knowing that we have helped make a difficult situation a little
better by letting these families know we care.
The newborn hospital that
we donate to the most has a lot of mothers who have nothing. So a
hat, sleeper is so appreciative as I was told at one time some mothers
only had the t-shirt and diaper to take their babies home in. I have no
plans of ever stopping my charity as there is always a need out there to help
a baby.
Thank you to Danette for her kindness in answering my questions and giving us a close-up view of God's Tiny angels.
I hope you enjoyed the interview! I hope to have more in the coming weeks.
Happy crocheting!