Wednesday, July 27, 2011

bad skein / metal loom / babyghan

Let's get the bad news over with first.

I picked up my last skein of Red Heart Soft Navy and had not gotten too very far when I noticed a large bit of orange in my blue. Okay, not a problem. This has happened before to me with various yarns and usually it is one or two small bits which I can either pick at until I get most of it or cut it out and continue. This time, I cut it off the strand and continued.

Then I got another one. And another one. Then I ripped back my project and started pulling out yarn. It was filled with orange bits. No, this is not a variegated yarn. But it is a BAD skein of yarn. heh

It's unusable for any project except perhaps pet pads. Pets don't care if there is orange in their blue.You'd think their quality control would have seen this. It's sooo obvious the bright orange in the dark blue. Maybe it is automated? I don't know.

I have sent off a note to Red Heart to let them know. If you have this yarn and would happen to have this particular lot, do let me know if you have any problems with it. As you know, I recently made 15 scarves with no problem but I don't know what the lot was for them. I doubt I have any labels lying around still. Sometimes Red Heart will ask that you return the skein to them, so I can't use it for anything until I hear from them, not that I would want to anyway.

Since I couldn't work on that, I decided to try out the loom I got in the mail yesterday. It's one of those metal looms and I bought it from Amazon. POT HOLDER weaving LOOM & loops colored FABRIC kid NEW

The instructions that come with the loom, forget those. They are pertooey. Basically you stretch a loop across each

The loops that come with the kit are okay. I bought some loops from Hobby Lobby. Those were also pertooey. About half or more of them are too short to work with this loom.

I think I am going to buy some Harrisville loops (or maybe a smaller bag ) and see if they work better. I remember seeing some loops at Walmart but I don't remember what kind they were. Oh, I just noticed the Schylling that makes the loom I presently have offers refill loops. They are a little rough, but they do fit the loom well. Maybe I'll get a bag of each and see which works best. Harrisville also makes its own looms Harrisville Designs Potholder (or Harrisville Designs Potholder Deluxe. I wonder if they are different. I felt the loom I have could have had longer tines or pegs or prongs or whatever you call those things. The loops would fall off especially on the last round.

One thing I will tell you is that it is fun at first, but as you come to the last loops, it is so tight that it is a chore rather than fun. To combat this, decided to leave the last row of metal prongs undone. That gives you a little more room to work. You could also try skipping a prong. I think I'm going to try that with these other loops which are very thick. I used a crochet hook to work off the loops.

Anyway, here are my results. I had hoped to make washcloths, but these are too thick and stiff for that. They will make good potholders though.

In addition to the potholders, I made some blue teddy bear squares to go with the white ones I made a while back. I intend to edge each square with a medium or dark blue and assemble them.

Guess that's it for me.

Happy crocheting!

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