©2008, rev 2011 Sandra Petit,
Materials: H hook, needle, scissors,
Vanna's Choice worsted weight acrylic yarn in the following colors:
beige - 6 skeins (21 ozs./1020 yds.)
rust - 2 skeins (7 ozs./340 yds.)
dusty green - 2 skeins (7 ozs./340 yds.)
honey - 2 skeins (7 ozs./340 yds.)
brick - 1 skein (3.5 ozs. / 170 yds.)
black - 3 skeins (10.5 ozs. / 510 yds.)
Size: 55” x 57”
dc—double crochet
hdc—half double crochet
sc—single crochet
shell = 3 dc
ch-1 = one chain that was previously made
Make 5-round granny squares in the following numbers and colors. I suggest weaving ends in as you go on the squares.
24 beige, 6 rust, 6 dusty green, 6 honey, and 6 brick.
Granny Square Instructions:
Make an adjustable ring, or ch 4 and join with a slip stitch to form a ring.
Round 1: ch 3, 2 dc in ring, (ch 3, 3dc in ring) 3 times, ch 1, join with a hdc in top st of beg ch-3 (4 shells)
Round 2: in same sp wk (ch 3, 2 dc) (half of 1st corner),
ch 1, in next ch-3 sp wk (shell, ch 3, shell) (2nd corner),
ch 1, in next ch-3 sp wk (shell, ch3, shell) (3rd corner),
ch 1, in next ch-3 sp wk (shell, ch3, shell) (4th corner)
ch 1, in next ch-3 sp wk a shell, ch 1 (second half of 1st corner)
join with a hdc in top ch of beg ch-3. (8 shells)
Round 3: ch3, 2dc in same sp (half of 1st corner),
ch 1, shell in ch-1 sp between shells to form first side
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell), (2nd corner)
ch 1, shell in ch-1 sp between shells to form second side,
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell), (3rd corner)
ch 1, shell in ch-1 sp between shells to form third side
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell), (4th corner)
ch 1, shell in ch-1 sp between shells to form fourth side,
ch 1, in next ch-3 sp wk a shell, ch 1, join with a hdc in top ch of beg ch-3 (second half of 1st corner) (12 shells)
Round 4: ch3, 2dc in same sp (half of 1st corner),
ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch-1, shell in next ch-1 sp, (first side)
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell) (2nd corner)
ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp (second side),
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell), (3rd corner)
ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp (third side),
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell), (4th corner)
ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp (fourth side)
ch 1, in next ch-3 sp wk a shell, ch 1, join with a hdc in top ch of beg ch-3 (second half of 1st corner) (16 shells)
Round 5: ch3, 2dc in same sp (half of 1st corner),
ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, (first side)
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell), (2nd corner)
ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, (second side),
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell), (3rd corner)
ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, (third side),
ch 1, in next corner ch-3 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell), (4th corner)
ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch1, shell in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, shell in next ch-1 sp, (fourth side)
ch 1, in next ch-3 sp work a shell, ch 3, join with a sl st in top ch of beg ch-3 OR use invisible finish off (second half of 1st corner) (20 shells)
Invisible Finish Off:
1) snip the yarn about 6" from the end and pull through,
2) thread a large eye needle with the strand you just cut, insert needle from front under top 2 strands of stitch to left of beginning ch-3, pull yarn through to back
3) Entering from front, insert needle under back loop of the last stitch completed, which is a chain.
4) Pull through to back and weave ends in on the wrong side as normal.
Using the continuous join as you go, join beige squares into into 2 rows of 4 squares (or 2 columns). If you need more info on the continuous join, you can visit http://www.crochetcabana.com/tutorials/joining_squares3a.htm or check YouTube for videos.
The chart shows the direction of the joins.
Use rust to join one group, dusty green to join another, and honey to join another.
Border each group of eight with black. If you want a different color for the border, don't forget to adjust your yarn purchase.
Tag each of the eight colored squares with a number:
1-rust, 2-dusty green, 3-brick, 4-honey, 5-honey, 6-rust, 7-dusty green, 8-honey
Using the continuous join as you go, join the colored squares into 2 rows of four squares (or 2 columns), using two squares of each color for each group. Squares in all groups will be in the same order.
When you are done with the first group, remove the tags and place them on the next group in the same order. (Or you can tag each of the three groups individually if you’d rather.) If you are weaving ends in at this point, be careful not to catch your tag string or you won't be able to get it off.
The colored squares in each completed group of eight will lie next to each other horizontally or vertically depending on how you lay them out:
Border each colored square group with black (or whatever color you purchased for this purpose).
Whipstitch the groups together.
If you prefer to use the continuous join again here, you can do that, but you will be adding another round to your afghan, so the width and length will be different than stated. You will also need to adjust your yarn purchase to account for the additional yarn.
If desired, add a border of shells around entire afghan.
Weave in any remaining tails.
Here is a photo of the SAME afghan, but laid on the bed so the groups appear vertically rather than horizontally.
Launder in cold water, gentle cycle with Woolite or a detergent like All Free and Clear or baby detergent - something that is okay for allergy sufferers. Dry on low heat. Check to be sure all ends are secure and not poking out.
Surprise someone with this beautiful afghan!
The color combo and the pattern on this one are both terrific!