
 About Copyright

Copyright infringement is not a trivial matter. Anyone found in violation of the copyright laws may be charged up to $10,000 per violation. Violators could be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This would not be a good day for you, so please obey copyright laws!

For more information on copyrights, please see:

United States Copyright Office
The Copyright FAQ for Knitters
United States Patent and Trademark Office
The Girl from Auntie
Vogue Knitting. A Matter of Principle
Rose Red Designs
Copyright Mythis Explained - Brad Templeton

Crochet Cabana Site Notice

All the information below says, in a nutshell, Don't claim my stuff as yours and don't sell my stuff. You can sell YOUR stuff but not mine.

All material on this site is copyrighted by Sandra Petit of Crochet Cabana. Whether or not a website includes a statement about copyright, the U.S. copyright act provides protection for such works, and they may not be used or reproduced without permission. No materials, including website design, logo, photographs, graphics, text, charts, video or any other proprietary materials are to be copied in any manner nor posted elsewhere, for free or for sale, without permission.

Terms of Use/Licensing for Patterns

Personal, private & local sales of finished items made with patterns by Sandra Petit are allowed. Please contact for questions regarding any other sales of items made from patterns.

You may print pattern for personal use, but may not reproduce, transmit, translate or distribute any part of any pattern in any form for free or for sale without express permission.

If you are a teacher and are given permission to reproduce anything on site for your students, this does NOT give you permission to sell the tutorials. You may make as many copies as you need for your class, even multiple classes. It doesn’t matter if you are charging for the class or not, as long as you don’t sell the actual tutorial. You do not need to ask again for a second class. Permission is granted. However, the URL and copyright notice is ALWAYS to be kept with anything that is used and it should be made clear to the students that copies are not to be made for friends and neighbors.

The Quick Scoop

1) Don’t claim my stuff as yours.
2) Don’t use my photos on your site
3) Don’t post anything on this site in full to any other website.
4) Links are welcome and you do not need to ask permission to post a link.
5) Do not link directly to a pdf but rather to the page on which it can be found.
6) You may sell single items made from my patterns, but not mass produce them.
7) Never include the pattern with a sale nor sell the pattern in any venue.
8) Don’t share copies of patterns or tutorials (for free or for sale) without permission, including translating it into another language. Share the link instead. (Contact me if you want to translate it.)
9) Don’t include patterns in a kit of any kind, for free or for sale.
10) If you want to make multiple copies of a pattern or tutorial for charity purposes, contact me.

THANK YOU for showing respect for the time and effort I have spent putting this site together for you. I hope you find it useful.

Lastly, I am responsible only for making corrections to patterns if such are found. I am not responsible for replacing an item you made with my pattern that didn’t come out as you wanted it to or any other problem you have with my patterns. If there is a problem, simply let me know and I will work with you to resolve the situation. I make no claim to perfection though I do honestly try to create patterns that are easy to understand and contain no errors.

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