
Saturday, January 21, 2017

temperature afghan wip

After a rough start the 2013 temperature afghan is going well. Of course I've only gotten about 3 weeks into it. LOL 

The first 22 rows are about 4". The width is about 46" roughly measured. I am estimating the total length will be about 63" which should be perfect. If that all works out as expected, I will be quite pleased. 

The solstice heather looks very good amongst the marina, cornflower and canary. :-)

The colors used so far:
40s solstice heather
50s cornflower
60s marina
70-74 grass
75-79 canary

Louisiana weather - from 40s to 70s in one month.

A picture to whet your appetite. Yes, whet is the proper spelling in this instance. Although I'm not sure appetite is right. LOL Don't eat your crochet!

My first row is a little wobbly. I possibly should have used an F hook. I know most people have to use a larger hook for their first row but for me the first row is always looser. No, I'm not going to rip it back and start over! Are you crazy? hahaha

The seed (moss/linen/woven/granite) stitch is easy to do. A little harder to see with the small stitches and old eyes but generally fine.

Regarding the tails, what I've done is grab the tail that is the same color and crocheting over it. I hesitated to do that since there is that ch-1 there, but it seems to be working okay. Sometimes I forget but this should lessen the number of strands to sew in after it's all said and done. Of course one could sew tails in as you go instead and that would give the same result. When there is more than one row of the same color it is nice too. 

Happy crocheting!

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