
Monday, November 12, 2012

troop hat update

I ran across Rachel's blog post at Maybe Matilda and thought it an excellent tutorial as an introduction to crochet for those wanting to learn. Thought I'd share the link.

I want to thank Ellen, Judy, and Faye for the troop hats that were sent recently. Our local paper ran an article about the care packages in which these hats will be put. The hats are not specifically mentioned though caps are mentioned as a needed item. Other items that are needed are:

•Lip balm
•Disposable razors
•Body wash
•Foot powder
•Toothpaste and toothbrushes
•Shaving cream/gel
•Crackers, peanuts, nuts, chips, hard candy, beef jerky
•Candy (no chocolate, gummy or taffy)
•Toilet tissue
•Dental floss
•Newspapers, books and magazines
•Shampoo and conditioner

The article goes on to say:
The gift packages will arrive in time for Christmas.
Items to be donated may be dropped off at one of these locations; at Thrift Village Pharmacy in Luling, Majoria’s Supermarket in Boutte, the West Regional Library in Luling and the Paradis Library.
Additionally, monetary donations towards shipping cost of the boxes is being collected at the Capital One Bank in Luling.
The deadline for item collection is Nov. 25.
I realize most of you are not local, but if anyone is local and wants to save on shipping, those are the places that are collecting.

An important note is that I just received notice that only 75 hats are needed by the deadline, not 150 as I was previously told. One of the units is not going to be set up for mail by Christmas so hats will be sent to them, but not for another few months. I've already got close to 50 hats and have enough yarn to make maybe 3 or 4 more.

In other news, daughter and I are still working on web site. I've put a lot of pictures in the albums and have done the captions on most.There are probably some pictures that didn't get moved over because of the way it has to be done but that's not a critical thing.

Photos in the dictionary will be put up later.

Most of the patterns have been tackled. I am thinking I might make the font size larger on them, but the text has been gone over. I still have one or two for which I need to make the item so I can take new photos. As I might have said before, I hope to do this for more of the projects as time allows later.

That's about it for now. Hope everything is getting geared up for the holidays. It's certainly not too early to think of handmade Christmas gifts.

Happy crocheting!


  1. What new website are you working on? I've not been over in awhile and need to catch up. Nice that you almost have the amount of hats you need for your project. Keep up the good work.

    Rounding today from Sandy's Space

  2. Sandy, I am moving Crochet Cabana to a new program as the one I was using is no longer supported and giving the site a much needed facelift, adding patterns (which I had on the site long ago), and a few other things.
