
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Queen's Scarves

Dee Stanziano posted a link on her Facebook to the HHCC (Happily Hooked on Crochet Club) and of course I went to have a look-see. I happened across a mention of Queen Victoria presenting scarves which she crocheted herself to various soldiers in the British service. You can see the scarf and read a brief article about it at

The article says this about the scarves:
An unusual award, in the form of a long scarf crocheted by Queen Victoria, was made to selected servicemen during the South African War. It was apparently worn over the shoulder, passing under the shoulder strap, across the chest and buckled on the right hip. The description of the scarf is given as "..crocheted in Khaki-coloured Berlin wool, approximately nine inches wide and five foot long, including a four inch fringe at each end, and bears the Royal Cipher V.R.I. (Victoria Regina Et Imperatrix)..."
The article goes on to give more details. Eight scarves were awarded.

Cool, yes?

Happy crocheting!

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