
Friday, May 10, 2013

SHADA progress

I continue to work on the really long SHADA scarf. Here's my progress.

No real details to add on this. I didn't measure it but I know I am presently working stripe 50 which makes me more than half done. I am still on the first skein of all colors except the bark (brownish green). I started the second skein of bark this afternoon. Of course, the I Love This Yarn is twice the ounces in the other skeins.

I'll keep you all posted.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

Happy crocheting!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Doctor Who scarf challenge

As you all know, I'm a big Doctor Who fan and have made many scarves and other items from the Whoniverse. Several have commented about those items here and privately so I know there are a few of you out there interested in this type of item. Here is your chance to get your own Who item, made by your own hands. If this is something you've been wanting to do, but just couldn't get started, here's your opportunity to work alongside those with like mind.

Stitches in Time over at Facebook is having a Doctor Who scarf knit or crochet along (KAL or CAL).  If you're interested, come along and join us. Here are the details of the challenge:

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Scarf Knit (or crochet) -Along

If you have ever wanted a Doctor Who scarf, keep reading…..

The Stitches in Time Facebook group is planning a knit-along for those who want to knit or crochet one of these scarves for the 50th Anniversary and we would like to invite YOU to join us.

Wait a minute, I can’t Knit.
That’s cool, we can help you learn. We can help you with tips, online tutorial videos, yarn recommendations and moral support. All you need is enthusiasm, yarn and a little time. Wouldn’t it be nice to learn a new skill, and have a nice scarf for the Anniversary and winter?
And if you want to crochet, we can accommodate you too.

Ok, how long do I have?
We’re starting in May with a goal of ending on November 23rd 2013, the anniversary.

I don’t have a lot of money.
We have yarn suggestions and combinations to suit any budget.

Ok, Where do I Start?
Come on over to

Patterns are for Doctor Who scarves can be found online, free.

- versions:

- Witty little Knitter’s. versions:

- Whovian Times version:
... And here is what I've done so far on my SHADA scarf, which I'm making for the challenge. I have 25 color stripes worked. I also have a Season 18 started, which will probably be finished closer to the deadline as it is slow going.

I am using the SHADA count suggestions and wrote out the pattern in words rather than relying on the picture only (though I printed out the picture from both dws and wlk for comparison.

The SHADA scarf is made from two previous scarves with a burgundy stripe added at one end and a light grey at the other end. Even though the two scarves used were no longer full length, it still makes for one of the longest scarves (excluding the Season 18) used at 87 color stripes.

I chained 31 with an I hook for my scarf as I wanted an approximately 8" scarf (the original is wider).

The yarn I am using is:
Burgundy - Vanna's Choice Burgundy (there is only one stripe in this color)

Purple - Vanna's Choice Purple
Camel - I Love This Yarn light taupe
Mustard - Bernat Gypsy Gold
Rust - I Love This Yarn Terra Cotta
Grey - Vanna's Choice Taupe
Greenish brown - Bernat Waverly Bark
Bronze - Vanna's Choice Toffee
Light grey -  haven't decided - possibly ILTY greybeard. There is only one stripe in this color and it's the very last so I have time to decide

That's all for now. If I continue as I began I'll have this done way before the deadline, but still have the Season 18 to work on as well. 

Happy crocheting!